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Don Bosco Matadi - Monrovia

Home for the young


Dear Friends, I chose the photo of the latest works in our parish church, dedicated to Holy Innocents.

The Salesians began working in Matadi in September 1991. The small number of Catholic faithful of the beginning is now quite significant. Restructuring their Church is a worthy way to celebrate 25 years of the Mission. The local population was able to contribute for 95% to the expansion works, the reconstruction of the roof, and to provide the needed office for the Parish Priest.

My Easter wish will be taken from the picture of the Glorious Christ that I pasted on the photo of the Church and that should be painted in the wall back to the altar. The Lord has conquered death and evil, in his Power and Glory may he remove all fear, anxiety, sadness, and make us to live in peace, looking forward, having a work to earn a living, doing what is  beautiful, good, just, worthy of being loved.

Thanks to all of you who in every way, collaborate in the mission.


Don Nicola Ciarapica


Easter, 2017



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12th April, 2017 by don Nicola Ciarapica





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